Friday, May 23, 2008

Who's in Madrid

The MBAT really did it for me: I can't wait to arrive in Madrid! "These people" from IE are amazing. We definitely had a great time at HEC. And I hope I'll find someone who has some pictures of the spontaneous Flip-Cup tournament (every match of which IE won...), maybe I'll post one here. I'm sure these are the right people to spend a few months with :-)
I also hope I'll find an apartment in Madrid soon. But there are some options that are sort of materializing. Good. Because, even though I'm only leaving to Spain at the end of August, I still have the summer associateship from next Tuesday until, yes, the end of August.
Stupid planning. Maybe. But what are you going to tell a company that offers you a summer job...
The only thing is, just like Andres writes, Rotterdam is nice in Summer! Why must I leave now!
-- In this spirit, Cologne, Madrid, here I come!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Planning where to stay in Milano

Rotterdam is getting prettier every day, I know is the sun, the cloudiness and greyness of six months have given space to a "blooming" city. In less than three months I will be living in Milano and preparation has already started, at least in my mind... looking for a place.... what websites to look?... is anybody that I know living in Milano? And of course the usual confusion, three rooms actually means two and a living-room. Ah and I still have to figure out what a Libero 4+4 contract is :s